
Ready Set Bet High Roller Edition from AEG

Created by Alderac Entertainment Group

A deluxe edition of John D Clair's best-selling game about a day at the races!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Pledge Manager Will Soon Be Closed & Locked for Ready Set Bet High Roller Edition
2 months ago – Mon, Jul 08, 2024 at 04:18:04 PM

Greetings Kickstarter Backers & Late Pledges!

We are ahead of schedule with the Ready Set Bet High Roller project and are planning to fulfill your order this fall!

You can always see the most current information we have about our Kickstarter projects by visiting our Kickstarter page:

This page will be updated as soon as we have new information on any project.

If after reading this message you have further questions please contact [email protected] and we'll be happy to help!


We are closing and locking for this campaign on BackerKit. Order data is now being prepared for the fulfillment process. 

Address changes will not be possible after Friday July 26th! If you need to change your address, do it now.

After the campaign has closed & locked you will not be able to make changes to your order (changing Rewards, adding or removing add-ons, etc.) Please make any desired changes to your order before Friday July 26th.

After the campaign is closed & locked any orders that have not completed the check out process will be cancelled.

This campaign is being managed on BackerKit. You can log into BackerKit with the email address you provided to Kickstarter when you backed this campaign and see the status of your order. If you have not received any email from BackerKit about your order you should log in to BackerKit immediately to determine the status of your order. Even if you paid for a Reward on Kickstarter you will still need to complete the order checkout process on BackerKit in order to receive your Reward.

We have prepared this page of information to help you obtain access to your BackerKit order.

We intend to charge credit cards for orders for this campaign on Monday July 29th. If your credit card fails to process your order will not be complete. You will have 48 hours to ensure that your payment method is valid; we will retry failed credit cards once before orders are cancelled.

Orders which have not been completed on BackerKit will be cancelled on Wednesday July 31st; if your order is incomplete on that date, it will be cancelled, cannot be re-instated and you will not receive a Reward or Late Order for this campaign.

This campaign is now scheduled to be fulfilled in October of 2024.

We will deliver your order to the address of record for your order as of July 26th. If you are unable to receive your order at that address in October please make other arrangements now to avoid a failure to deliver. Please see the Terms & Conditions portion of the main Kickstarter page for this campaign for more details.

Any questions, comments or concerns? If you have issues with the contents of any AEG product (missing pieces, damage, etc.) please email [email protected].

First Prototypes for Proof-Review!
3 months ago – Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 02:59:18 PM

Hello Betters,

Do I have a doozy of an update for you! We've received our first fully printed Prototype to review, and I have a TON of photos to share.

There will be some tweaks here and there that we are sending off to the printer today, like I wanted to make the Money Chips look cooler now that I've seen how the print looks on the color chips. (I'll keep what that change is as a surprise when you get the final product, but they'll look WAY more awesomer!)

There's also some color tweaking to make the art brighter and sharper on some files like the Box and the Playmats, but these photos should give you an idea of how BIG and EPIC this edition is!

First up is the box, it measures in at a whopping 2'4" x 1' x 3 3/4" to accommodate the giant Betting Mat housed inside!

The Handle works perfectly, I've now traveled to a few different friends' houses and even from Las Vegas to L.A. and back and it's super sturdy. The handle is assisted in holding the whole thing closed by magnets in the top flap, making sure it won't ever pop open while carrying!

Laying it down and opening it up reveals the great goodies inside!

All 195 Poker Chips are snugly held in place along with all the other components! The lid lists where everything goes.

The Craps-style dice came out better than this former-pitboss from Las Vegas could've hoped! I'd throw these bones on the strip any day.

The Insert has room for the Extra Red AEG dice and the Magnificent 7 Gold horse if you picked those up as well. Or you can pick up some actual craps dice next time you're at your favorite Casino gift shop and store them here as well!

The Bet Mat is beautiful when unrolled (French Bulldog for scale)

The Race mat and Horses are also super-sized for your play group to enjoy!

Nigel, the Frenchie, also likes them:

The acrylic arrows and house bet tokens may be my new favorite pieces, they came out better than imagined. They printed the ink in reverse on 2 seperate front and back pieces, and sandwiched them together, so the print is "under-glass" so to speak. I'll be using this technique for other game pieces for sure!

The poker Chips also exceeded my expectations! They print has a metallic sheen that has to be seen in person to appreciate:

The cards are giant-sized and linen finished for a premium experience!

Check out the Player Color cards that were requested during the campaign!

Here's the Magnificent 7 Horse that will come free to everyone who backed during the campaign and was signed up for our Newsletter:

We also got proofs of the add-ons, like the Red AEG dice:

They're red-hot!

Here's the AEG stable of board game named horses:

Thank you all again for backing! We're all excited to get this product into your collection.

Best Regards,
Kirk and the AEG team!

The Pledge Manager on BackerKit is now Open!
5 months ago – Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 09:38:04 AM

Dear Bettors,

The jockeys have hit the showers and the horses are being cared for and fed back in the stables; now it's time to cash those winning tickets!

The pledge manager for this campaign is hosted on BackerKit. You will receive an email from BackerKit with a link to your "survey" (aka order). Please follow that link and complete the BackerKit checkout process.

While you are doing that you can adjust your Reward level, put add-ons on your order, and you'll be able to tell us where to deliver the order when we're ready to fulfill it (in about a year).

If you get to the final stage of the checkout process (after you've entered your delivery address) and you see a $10,000 cost for shipping, one of two things has happened:

  • You have added so many things to your order that it's exceeded the weight limit for one shipment. You can read here how to split your order into multiple shipments.
  • You have selected a delivery address we don't ship to. We only ship to Australia & New Zealand, specific countries & regions in Asia (China, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan), Canada, the EU (plus Norway, Lichtenstein & Switzerland), the UK and the US. Please see the Shipping section of the main campaign page for more details.

If, after you have reached the final checkout page, you feel that the total price of your order including shipping & tax is unfair, please contact us for a full refund at [email protected] .

If you used an AppleID with Kickstarter the email address they provide to us is useless. Please contact us at [email protected] and we'll change the email on your BackerKit order so you can receive communication about it and complete the checkout process.

If you don't receive any communication from BackerKit, you can log into BackerKit using the email address you provided to Kickstarter and you will be able to see all the orders with that email in their system. If you still don't see your order please email [email protected] .

Thank you again for your support of Ready Set Bet High Roller Edition! We cannot wait to deliver this premium gaming experience to you.

-- the AEG Ready Set Bet Team

Thanks for your support - What Happens Next?
6 months ago – Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 05:00:59 PM

Hello High Rollers!

Ready Set Bet High Roller Edition has crossed the finish line! As the horses parade to the winner's circle, we'd like to give you some visibility on the next things that will happen with this campaign.

This campaign exceeded our projections and for that we are extremely thankful. Your support allows us to continue to make really cool stuff like the Ready Set Bet High Roller Edition. Every pledge counts and we are very grateful you chose to back this project. We can't wait to fulfill your Rewards and share our excitement for a great day at the races with you!

In the following few days:

  • Kickstarter will charge your credit card. If your card fails to process, Kickstarter will retry it several times in the following week
  • Late Orders for those who missed the campaign will open as soon as we have completed setup with BackerKit. We expect Late Orders to go live next week (starting Monday the 19th) but it may take a few days. We will post an Update when the Late Orders goes live. DO NOT MAKE A LATE ORDER IF YOU MADE A KICKSTARTER PLEDGE
  • The Pledge Manager for Kickstarter backers on BackerKit will be opened about six weeks from today, with the exact date depending on when Kickstarter transmits the funds from this campaign to us. You will receive an Update and an email from us and emailed notification from BackerKit when BackerKit is ready to being processing your Kickstarter orders. Until then, you do not need to take any action.
  • We’ll Update you periodically over the next year when the campaign hits a major milestone. The next major milestone will be when we begin the production process by approving files; that will happen several months from now.
  • Please visit for the most up to date info on this and all our campaigns; that site is your best source for progress information and anything else you need to know about the campaign and we update it every time we have any new information to report.

When BackerKit is ready to allow you to complete your Kickstarter order, you will be sent an email from BackerKit with a link to access your order. Use that link to complete the checkout process. You can change your Reward, and include add-ons with your Reward. The system will calculate the amount due for shipping & tax and present you with a final total at checkout.

BackerKit does NOT charge credit cards at the checkout step. It does process PayPal payments immediately. For people paying by credit card, we will charge your card in the future; we’ll email you to let you know when we will be running those credit card charges before we do so.

APPLE ID USERS: Please note - if you use your Apple ID to access Kickstarter and you chose to have Apple hide your email, the email address we receive from Kickstarter is useless. Neither we, nor BackerKit can contact you via email about your order. Please email [email protected] for assistance if you have your account configured in this manner.


If you reach the checkout of your order and you see a shipping price of ten thousand dollars it means one of two things. Either you have attempted to have the order delivered to a country we don’t service (see the Shipping section of the main campaign for details) or the total weight of your order has exceeded the max weight we will ship in one box and you’ll need to split your order into multiple orders. See below for instructions on how to do that:

If you have questions or concerns about this requirement please email [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help.

At any time if you have questions, concerns or comments please email [email protected]. We will monitor the Comments channel periodically but the best way to get a response from our team after the campaign ends is via email.

-- The AEG Ready Set Bet Team

Less that 24 Hours to go & Component updates!
6 months ago – Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 05:05:14 PM

Hello Bettors,

Thank you for an amazing campaign so far, we're in the home stretch with less than 24 hours to go! 

We've been listening to and assessing the many thoughts and requests to help make Ready Set Bet: High Roller edition the best it can be. We've also played quite a few games with the prototype at Dice Tower West in Las Vegas last week, and here are a few component updates we're already working to make happen:

Bigger Horse Name cards - I had these at Poker Size, like the Prop Bet cards, but in the heat of rolling the dice and moving the horses the guest announcers wanted the card to be a little bigger so it's easier to read at a glance.

Player Color cards - one of the recommendations from the comment section in this campaign was to add a Chip or Card that players could keep in front of them, to remind them what color they were during and after the race when all their Bet Chips were out on the Bet Board. Adding 8 poker cards with this info was the best solution for us.

I've already updated the Print Files with those two updates, as you can see :) For the following, I will be working with the Printer/Manufacturer to make sure the following updates happen as part of our prototyping and review process:

Money Chip Colored Borders -  I had a very game specific reason for having the Money chips all have Black borders, in that I wanted them to stand out from the Players' Bet chips, and wouldn't be confused as Bet Chips. That said, I think most backers and commentators want them to be in their colors instead, so I paid attention to all the games we ran over Dice Tower West with the prototype. The prototype we have right now, ALL the chips are black bordered–check out this picture of that prototype with Dave's smiling face in the background:

Since the blank poker chips I got as a sample from the Manufacturer were all black (with my laser printed label artwork printed on them) it was a good test to see if anyone would mix up the chips.

I also asked players here and there, what they thought of the Poker Chips, and everyone was pretty pleased with their feel and weight. They are similar to the Chips in our War Chest game, and the jewel poker chips in Splendor. I mentioned that they will be molded in the Player Colors instead of black, and everyone liked that quite a bit.

Back to watching people play with them: No one really mixed them up, even though they were ALL black border, so I agree with everyone's comments here that the money chips will look cooler molded in their color schemes as well :) The white & black $1 chip will remain with a black border, because it works with its white and black color scheme, and white on white looked weird in my color tests in Illustrator to send to the printer (it also keeps them much more distinguishable from the all white Bonus Chips from the VIP cards.

Magnificent 7 Horse Storage - Since I made room for extra dice (whether for our AEG Red Casino dice, or your own lucky pair of D6s) I wanted to have room for the extra Gold Foil horse as part of our giveaway. There isn't room to do the whole AEG stable of horses as well, but they are coming in their own box, and we don't want to have to make the already big 10 lbs. deluxe carrying case even bigger to accommodate them.

Speaking of the Foam insert, it's a material and style we haven't worked with yet, so I will be working with the manufacturer to make sure it works well, and the way we want it to. I don't want the cards sliding around when you turn the case sideways to carry like a suitcase, and I also want to make sure that sleeved cards and any future mini expansions will fit (not saying we have an expansion planned, but I want to make sure that it will, in case we do!).

Again, thank you for backing the campaign, and thank you for all the feedback. We can't do everything, but we can try to do more to make this as awesome as we know it can be!

I'll be coming back here over the next year and sharing updates, and prototype pictures as I get them.
